Tag: stress

  • Walnuts v. Stress

    A study shows reduced stress with walnuts and walnut oil. “This is the first study to show that walnuts and walnut oil reduce blood pressure during stress,” said West. “This is important because we can’t avoid all of the stressors in our daily lives. This study shows that a dietary change could help our bodies…

  • Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction

    At PsychCentral, an interview with Jon Kabat-Zinn about mindfulness, MBSR, and his coming talk at UCLA, Wednesday, Oct. 6. Elisha: What does a daily mindfulness practice for someone as busy as you, look like? Jon: (Laughing) Well, what it looks like is my life. Because, basically what it all boils down to is, as I find…

  • 5 Steps to Stresslessness

    From msnbc:  Anxious? 5 ways you can be stress-free.  Here’s one: Take short mindfulness breaks “Even I get too busy to meditate,” says Jha. “Then I remember the Marines in the study calling my colleague while they were deployed to ask for mindfulness pointers, and I think, If they can do it in a war…

  • Work Flexibility Stress

    PsychCentral:  Too Much Work Flexibility Can Lead to Stress. “Most people probably would identify schedule control as a good thing — an indicator of flexibility that helps them balance their work and home lives,” noted Sociology professor Scott Schieman of the University of Toronoto. “We wondered about the potential stress of schedule control for the…

  • Absent (Mice) Moms and Anxiety

    ScienceDaily:  Absent Mothers Can Cause Hyperactivity and Anxiety in Offspring Later in Life, Mouse Study Finds In mice, early weaning and separation from their mothers promotes long-lasting hyperactivity and anxiety . Researchers writing in the open access journal BMC Neuroscience describe the development of this new behavioral model, which they hope to use to investigate the…

  • Men and Stress

    PsychCentral:  Men Respond to Stress by Shutting Down A new study finds that stressed men have diminished activity in brain regions responsible for understanding others’ feelings.  In the investigation, researchers had men look at angry faces. The results suggest the silent and stoic response to stress might be a “guy thing” after all.

  • Tai Chi for Stress

    Jane Brody likes Tai Chi. The graceful, dancelike progression of meditative poses called tai chi originated in ancient China as a martial art, but the exercise is best known in modern times as a route to reduced stress and enhanced health. After reviewing existing scientific evidence for its potential health benefits, I’ve concluded that the proper question…

  • Stress and Genes

    Stress, in the form of toxins, pollutants, etc, impacts us at a genetic level, says a new study. “We found that stress-activating factors can control our genes by turning on certain genes that were supposed to be silenced. It is very important that some genes are on and others are off in order to ensure…

  • Orgasm Anxiety

    Article from Pamela Madsen at Psychology Today. “Orgasm Anixety” increases our stress, adds to worry – and can take us out of our bodies and into our heads – which of course will make climaxing more difficult and less enjoyable.

  • The Anxious Brain

    Charlie Rose’s Brain series is posted and free, if you’ve got several hours.  The Anxious Brain is episode eight.  Described: A discussion of fear and anxiety with Antonio Damasio of University of Southern California, Kerry Ressler of Emory University, Joseph LeDoux of New York University, David Anderson of CalTech, and Eric Kandel of Columbia University