Tag: stress

  • Stress Tool: Stress Pen

    Smart Pen Detects, Helps to Reduce Stress (Psych Central). Move over smart phones, a new device — a pen — is said to measure if an individual is stressed-out and provide individual biofeedback for assisting self-regulation. Researcher and designer Miguel Bruns Alonso has developed a pen which can measure the stress levels of the person using it,…

  • Stressed Out? Just Age

    Stress Management and Empathy Improve With Age (PsychCentral) Emerging research suggests older people are better at seeing the positive side of a stressful situation and are better than young adults when empathizing with the less fortunate.  This better management of mental processes holds true even though older people may become emotional when confronted with poignant…

  • Unemployment Stress

    Job-loss stress? Not as bad as you might think, says a study. The researchers divided the participants into four groups based on their life satisfaction reports. The largest group (69 percent) reported a relatively high and stable level of life satisfaction before losing their jobs. These people were more likely to be negatively affected at…

  • Stress and Emotional Eating

    Healthy Eating: Maintain Your Weight Despite Holiday Stress (Judith Beck).  Talking yourself out of emotional eating using CBT. “Negative emotions are uncomfortable but not dangerous. I don’t have to “fix” them. I’ve had lots of times when I’ve felt very upset, but I haven’t eaten. I’ve never exploded or lost control. The worst thing that…

  • Anxious in Los Feliz

    Anxious in Los Feliz?  There’s help in the neighborhood.  Anxiety Treatment L.A. has offices on Ambrose, just off Hillhurst. Anxiety and stress can be overwhelming. Therapy can help!  Call to get started: (323) 739-4322.

  • Keep Calm and Carry On

    Keeping Calm In An Anxious Age (Northwestern U.). Americans’ danger detectors are cranked up way too high these days, but we don’t have to be held hostage by our anxiety, according to a new book on coping with stress by a Northwestern Medicine psychologist. The book, by Northwestern’s Mark Reinecke, is titled “Little Ways to Keep Calm…

  • Dieting and Stress

    Science Daily:  Genes Linked With Stress Altered By Yo-Yo Dieting Stressed-out mice with a history of dieting ate more high-fat foods than similarly stressed mice not previously on diets, according to a new study in the Dec. 1 issue ofThe Journal of Neuroscience. The findings suggest that moderate diets change how the brain responds to stress and…

  • Focus Shift

    Stressed Out About a Problem? Shift Your Focus (WebMD).  Article includes a list of suggestions. Getting caught up in a problem isn’t just frustrating — it can literally stress you out. When you’re stressed out, it’s harder to think clearly. Emotional stress can send your problem-solving skills into a tailspin.

  • City Life

    Medical News Today:  City Life Is Hard On The Brain. Scientists are beginning to discover that city life is hard on the brain, where the need continuously to process multitudes of fleeting but compelling stimuli can impair mental processes like memory and attention and leave us mentally exhausted…

  • Binge Drinking and Stress

    Science Daily:  Binge drinking in adolescence changes stress response in adulthood Alcohol exposure during adolescence alters the body’s ability to respond to stress in adulthood, according to new research in rats presented at Neuroscience 2010, the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, held in San Diego. Because problems regulating stress are associated with behavioral…