Tag: social anxiety

  • CBT v. Social Phobia

    NPR looks at Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Social Phobia. Reporter Alix Spiegel profiles one patient — a woman we’ll call Judy Smith — who sought Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to help her deal with her social phobia. We spend time with Judy, show how the therapy works and find out why it helps her in ways…

  • The Shyness & Social Anxiety Workbook

    Book of the day:  The Shyness & Social Anxiety Workbook, by Martin Anthony and Richard Swanson.  The first 53 pages are up at Google Books.  Here’s the pitch from the publisher, via Amazon: There’s nothing wrong with being shy. But if social anxiety keeps you from forming relationships with others, advancing in your education or your…

  • Joe Social Anxiety

    New College Students Urged to Confront Their Social Anxiety Instead of avoiding situations that provoke fear and anxiety, confront them, Antony urges. For example, if you would normally sit in the back row to avoid being called on by the professor, try sitting in the front row.  Avoiding situations in order to feel safe may…

  • The Feeling Good Handbook

    Book of the day:  The Feeling Good Handbook, by David Burns.  This is the workbook companion to Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy.  The therapy does help you feel good, but at this point, it’s not so new–it’s Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).  From a therapist on Amazon: I read this book as a person with…

  • Social Anxiety – You Are Not Alone

    Erasing the stigma of social anxiety via You Tube:

  • What is Social Anxiety Disorder?

    Video from Health Matters: