Tag: anxiety

  • Psychotherapy for Social Anxiety…and the Brain

    Does Social Anxiety Disorder Respond to Psychotherapy? Brain Study Says Yes (Science Daily) When the patients’ pre- and post-therapy EEGs were compared with the control groups’, the results were revealing: Before therapy, the clinical group’s delta-beta correlations were similar to those of the high-anxiety control group and far higher than the low-anxiety group’s. Midway through,…

  • Exercise v. Anxiety

    Exercise Lessens Anxiety (PsychCentral): Although we often think of it negatively, anxiety is a normal emotion, Abramowitz said. It evolved in our ancestors as a response to danger, such as a nearby predator. When you perceive a threat, you begin sweating, your heart rate increases and your breathing accelerates — the “fight or flight” response. Of…

  • Mood and Medical Symptoms

    Depression, Anxiety Influence Recall of Medical Symptoms in Different Ways (PsychCentral): University of Iowa psychologists discovered that people who feel depressed report experiencing a higher number of past symptoms. People who feel anxious, by contrast, report more symptoms in the present moment.

  • Facebook Stress

    Study:  More Facebook leads to more stress (The Telegraph). Dr Kathy Charles, who led the study, said: “We found it was actually those with the most contacts, those who had invested the most time in the site, who were the ones most likely to be stressed. “It’s like being a mini news channel about yourself.…

  • Self-Help

    Lifestyle Changes as Treatment for Mental Health Concerns, Depression, Anxiety (PsychCentral): For years, health professionals have advocated lifestyle changes in the form of diet, exercise and stress reduction to lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes and other chronic illnesses. New research shows that lifestyle changes — such as getting more exercise, spending more time in…

  • Workplace Anxiety

    Forbes:  Do You Suffer From Workplace Anxiety? Try to embrace the challenges as they come. If you dread asking a question in a meeting, just do it to know how it feels. Be kind to yourself by imagining a nurturing parent patting you on the back and offering constructive feedback. Think: I’m proud of you…

  • Choosing Anxiety?

    Why Some People Choose Anxiety (Newsweek): Considering that anxiety makes your palms sweat, your heart race, your stomach turn somersaults, and your brain seize up like a car with a busted transmission, it’s no wonder people reach for the Xanax to vanquish it. But in a surprise, researchers who study emotion regulation—how we cope, or…

  • Study: Meditation Changes Brain

    Brain Structure Changes After Meditation (PsychCentral) “Although the practice of meditation is associated with a sense of peacefulness and physical relaxation, practitioners have long claimed that meditation also provides cognitive and psychological benefits that persist throughout the day,” said Sara Lazar, Ph.D., the study’s senior author.  “This study demonstrates that changes in brain structure may…

  • Help with Panic Attacks

    How to Halt and Minimize Panic Attacks (PsychCentral).  Among the tips: Stimulate your mind. Engage in activities that stimulate your brain and keep you busy, such as getting outside, exercising or taking a shower.  In fact, a recent study analyzing 40 randomized clinical trials of 3,000 people with various medical conditions found that people who exercised…

  • Social Anxiety and How to Fight It

    Just one among a big collection of YouTube videos on the topic: