Month: September 2010

  • Busy Bodies, Happy Minds

    The L.A. Times looks as studies that say, “Feeling bad? Do something.” In several recent studies, social scientists have zeroed in on why paychecks alone can’t explain the link between work and well-being. The evidence shows that people can find meaning in seemingly insignificant jobs and that even trivial tasks make us far happier than…

  • Epigenetic Changes from Stress

    Chronic Stress Leaves Mark on Genes Chronic release of ordinary stress hormones may leave a long-term mark on the genome and influence the expression of genes responsible for mood and behavior, says a new study led by Johns Hopkins researchers.  These findings could eventually change how scientists and physicians explain and treat depression, bipolar disorder,…

  • Stress and Anxiety Lifestyle Changes

    Here’s a big page on stress and anxiety lifestyle changes from the New York Times.  The bullets:  Exercise, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Relaxation Techniques, Herbal and Natural Remedies.

  • Exercise v. Insomnia

    Drug-Free Sleep Aid A new study rediscovers an organic solution to insomnia — regular aerobic exercise is found to improve the quality of sleep, mood and vitality… (Psych Central)

  • Autumn Anxiety

    5 Ways to Manage Fall Anxiety.  The bullet points: 1. Pick a sound or object to be your Xanax. 2. Repeat: “I am good enough.” 3. Take it one minute at a time. 4. Pay attention to your breath. 5. Learn from it. (Psych Central)

  • Anesthesia Anxiety

    Getting over anesthesia anxiety As many as one-fourth of Americans suffer from anesthesia phobia to the degree they may postpone surgery. And, because of a lack of understanding about anesthesia, more than 75 percent fear anesthesia during surgery… (Chicago Sun-Times)

  • Los Angeles Anxiety Help

    If you’re feeling overwhelmed with anxiety, stress, and worry, you are not alone, and you are far from helpless.  Anxiety Treatment L.A. can help you begin to get your life back.  Call or write to connect with experienced anxiety help pros: (323) 739-4322,

  • Housebound

    Keith Ablow, MD:  Housebound: Paralyzed with Anxiety. Within the last six months, I have treated two patients whose visits to my office were among the very few times they had left their homes — in years. (PsychCentral)

  • Type D Personality and Heart Health

    Stressed-out, “Type D” personalities put heart at risk. People who constantly feel anxious or distressed have a higher risk of heart problems than people with a more easygoing personality.  A new study shows that heart disease patients with a Type D personality are more than three times as likely to suffer heart attack,heart failure, or other heart-related problems…

  • Silver Lake Stress

    Suffering from Silver Lake stress, Atwater anxiety, Glendale GAD or some other alliterative eastside ailment?  Anxiety Treatment L.A. is based in nearby Los Feliz–help from a licensed psychotherapist awaits.  Additional offices are in Beverly Hills for help with…westside worry…?  Call or write to discuss what you’re going through and arrange an appointment: (323) 739-4322.