Tag: parenting

  • Sad Dads

    Help needed for depressed fathers, reports NPR: Take a bow, American fathers. Dads of today are far more involved in raising their children than their fathers were. But with that greater involvement comes greater responsibility. And a new study in the journal Pediatrics finds some trouble brewing. Fathers who are depressed are far more likely…

  • Parental Anxiety

    Stephanie Newman, PhD asks, Can Parental Anxiety Interfere with a Child’s Social and Emotional Development? Bullets: Overplanning for your child can backfire Rejection Can Be the Kindest Cut–and limits can foster healthy development Children Need to Learn How to Be Alone

  • Absent (Mice) Moms and Anxiety

    ScienceDaily:  Absent Mothers Can Cause Hyperactivity and Anxiety in Offspring Later in Life, Mouse Study Finds In mice, early weaning and separation from their mothers promotes long-lasting hyperactivity and anxiety . Researchers writing in the open access journal BMC Neuroscience describe the development of this new behavioral model, which they hope to use to investigate the…

  • School Refusal and Anxiety Disorder

    A look at both from the Wall Street Journal: “I Hate School” Extreme Edition. Anywhere from 5% to 28% of children will exhibit some degree of school-refusal behavior at some point, including truancy, according to Dr. Kearney, a leading authority on the behavior, and other experts. For kids with anxiety-fueled school refusal, the fear is…

  • Parenting Risk

    Keeping Kids Safe From the Wrong Dangers.  Summed up: Parents tend to worry more about remote dangers (terrorists) than mundane ones (obesity, football). (NYT)